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Address : G T Road, Ushagram, Asansol, Bardhaman, West Bengal 713301 , India
Phone : (0341) 2274143
Email :

The school is affiliated to CISCE.

Curriculum and Assessment

Total Personality Development Programme (TPDP)
All students admitted/enrolled in Calcutta Boys’ School Asansol will be subject to the Total Personality Development Programme (TPDP) which include

• Academics
• Compulsory participation in Field Games and Sporting activities
• Counselling sessions
• Exposure to Christian prayers and hymns
• Regular health check-ups

Assessment Procedure

CLASSES 1 to 4 
NO formal examination or terminal tests will be conducted. Students will be assessed on 2 class assignments, comprising 50 marks each, conducted during the course of the two semesters I and II. The final total will be on 200 marks. All students who perform satisfactorily in class and obtain the minimum grade required i.e. 40% and above will be promoted to the next class.

Middle School (Classes 5 to 6)
Classes 5 to 6 
Students will be assessed twice a year i.e. Semesters I and II. Each semester will include one class test of 20+5 marks and one term examination of 75+ 5 marks. The final total will be on 200 marks. The promotion of a student will be determined on the basis of his total performance during the entire academic year.

Students will be marked on all of their work in the class projects and assignments written work, oral & aural work, response and preparation of daily work at home and in school. Class 5 - 6 will have 25 marks assessment in G.K., M.Sc., Games, Music and Art, based on their class response/performance and projects only. No separate class tests will be conducted in these subjects. The weekly holidays are Saturdays and Sundays unless otherwise notified. Any changes in the school timings will be intimated through a separate notice issued by the principal.

Facilities available
• Computer room
• Library
• Play ground
• School office
• Teachers’ room'

The School does not provide any Transport Facilities. Parents/Guardians are requested NOT to approach the school with regard to transport arrangements.

Admission for details

Some rules to follow

Strict regularity and punctuality, implicit obedience, maintaining school timings, courtesy in words and deeds, cleanliness of dress and person and proper care of books and school property are expected from every student.

Every student is allotted a personal SCHOLAR NUMBER which is also written on the Identity card/fee bill book/report card of your ward. Kindly Quote THIS NUMBER along with the name and class of your ward on all correspondence with the school.

Corporal punishment is barred.

Calcutta Boys’ School does not encourage private tuition to CBS students by members of the CBS teaching or office staff or any member of their families. Parents / Guardians are hereby notified NOT TO APPROACH the Teaching / Office staff (or their family members) to give or arrange for private tuition to any student of CBS. Wilful negligence on this count will lead to disciplinary action against the student concerned.

It is obligatory for all students to speak in ENGLISH when in school. Hindi/Bengali may be spoken during the respective periods only.

The bringing of iPods, cameras, comics, C.Ds, walkmans, other expensive device and the like and the wearing of jewellery, rings and amulets, etc to school is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Books / stationery, blazers, tiffin/pencil boxes and other personal belonging must bear the name of the owner. The school will not be responsible if they are lost.

Children are not allowed to carry cell phones to school. If any student is found in possession of one, the same will be confiscated and given to charity.

Students are responsibility to school authorities not only for their conduct in school premises but also for their general behaviour outside. Reports of objectionable conduct on the part of any student in or even outside the school will make him liable for disciplinary action. Students of classes 1 to 5 are permitted to wear casual/ party clothes to school on their birthday. Birthday celebrations in class are restricted to distribution of two toffees. No elaborate celebrations are permitted in school.

All students must bring a clean white handkerchief to school everyday

The wearing of jewellery, rings and amulets, tattoos, etc to school is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

Students on scheduled study leave, who need to meet a teacher or attend extra classes during school working days, are expected to come in-school uniform.

All students must be well groomed with a proper haircut and must wear the prescribed uniform and polished shoes. In case of erring students, the school reserves the right to arrange for a haircut (in school) or to send him home if not properly dressed.

Students going out for matches/competitions etc must inform the Principal in writing before hand or they will be marked absent.

Parents/Guardians are requested to avoid traffic snarls and congestion outside the school. Please DO NOT bring/park your cars inside the school campus.

All students must wear their ID card daily to school.