Carmel Convent High School, MAMC, Durgapur

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Address : MAMC, Durgapur 713210, West Bengal, India
Phone : (0343) 2504368
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Name of the Founder Body
Carmel Convent High School, MAMC, Durgapur 713210

Email of the Founder Body

Contact of the Founder Body

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School hours
Nursery 7.30am – 11.30am
KG1 and 2 7.30am – 12.30pm
Class 1 to 10 7.45am – 1.30pm

Aims and objectives
Carmel Convent School, MAMC, Durgapur was founded in 1964 and recognized by the Education Department of West Bengal in 1975. It is one of the institutions led by the Congregation of Sisters of the Apostolic Carmel. We draw our inspiration from Christ, who willed the complete development of every person, and from our Foundress, Mother Veronica of the Passion.

As a part of its objectives, Carmel School includes the aspiration of our country for a just and honest society. Additionally, the school regards education as the most effective means of promoting national development and the integral development, of the human person. We believe that in the present time, India suffers because of the selfishness and bad conduct of the youth. This makes Carmel School’s mission more meaningful, in connection with leading the youth of today towards truth and light, through the medium of education. This way they realize that the country's development depends upon them, and their attitudes. The school prepares citizens and leaders for the country by inculcating in our youth a sense of responsibility.

Carmel School, as its integral objectives, aims to encourage the youth of today to contribute and show appreciation for all Indian cultures, familiarity with Indian languages, knowledge of Indian thought and philosophy and to make a contribution to it.

We aim at the holistic development of an individual, ensuring that our girls grow to become fine women who are
Morally upright,
Guarded by the right values and courage to stand by their beliefs
Socially concerned for the needs of others,
Sacrifice themselves for others,
Intellectually formed to think critically,
Act creatively and constructively, in various situations of life
Emotionally well balanced and radiate happiness and contentment all around.

Mission statement
Develop our students into completely fulfilled women capable of responding to the challenges of life with joy.
Ensure that their choices and decisions are guided by right values, enriched by our cultural heritage, with a deep-seated commitment to the service of our people.

Our aim
• To promote the rich values of Christian and cultural heritage
• Develop a habit of prayer, meditation and contemplation
• To reach out to the marginalized through community services
• To work towards adopting new villages to improve the lives of the inhabitants
• Strive to draw out the full potential of our students
• To develop and deliver quality education to all students
• To address the aspirations and abilities of all students
• To nurture innovation, creativity and technological abilities of all students
• Nurture and harness leadership ability among all students
• Develop world-class students
• Encourage active participation in co and extra-curricular activities.

Our Vision for Education
• The Education imparted by the Apostolic Carmel is geared towards the total development of persons by instilling in them Gospel Values and forming responsible citizens, equipped to work for the transformation of society.
• We, the sisters of the Apostolic Carmel respond like Mary and our Foundress Mother Veronica by our lives of sanctification.
• We strive to push our students to their full potential.
• We encourage them to embrace life's challenges with joy and courage by way of staying rooted in prayer, and a commitment to serve society as responsible citizens.

Our Foundress
“I do not fear the obstacles and difficulties that I may have to encounter when I follow the direction of my superiors. ‘Either to suffer or to do’. I have indeed encountered problems and they are still far from being smoothed out, but now at the words of your Reverence, I shall go ahead with new courage and firm confidence that our Lord will make me triumph over all obstacles and that he will lend me finally to these dear Missions for which I would willingly sacrifice my life.”
- Mother Veronica, the Servant of God

Mother Veronica, nee Sophie Leeves, was born in 1823 in a pious, cultured, English, Anglican family. She was gifted with singular talents of mind and heart which were nurtured by sound education and wide experience. In spite of her mother’s strong opposition, she embraced the Catholic faith in 1850. God took possession of her heart so powerfully that she first broke off her engagement to a Marine Officer, whom she loved, and then responded generously to the call to Religious life. She entered the Congregation of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition in 1851, taking the name, Sister Mary Veronica of the Passion.

Mother Veronica was ardent and full of zeal to work for the mission in India, when she was sent to found a house of the Congregation at Calicut in 1862. She responded to an inner call and under the guidance of Father Marie Ephrem OCD, discovered her vocation to found a Third Order Regular of Active Carmelites to serve the need of faith formation through education of young girls of the West Coast of India. After receiving the required permission from Rome, Mother Veronica founded a Carmel for the Mission at Bayonne France on 16 July 1868.

The first group of Apostolic Carmelites arrived in India in 1870 and was established in the Diocese of Mangalore. Unfavourable circumstances obliged Mother Veronica to close the Convent at Bayonne in 1873, after which she re-entered the Carmel of Pau as a cloistered Carmelite. After a period of twelve years in the new foundation at Bethlehem, Mother Veronica returned to Pau in 1887. Her life of loving surrender to God in challenging circumstances culminated in her holy death in 1906.

Mother Veronica’s heroic obedience to the will of God, her life of profound faith and prayer, her wholehearted commitment to the Cross, her outstanding humility and zeal for the Missions, remain an inspiration to all those who, following the footsteps of Christ, seek to offer their lives in loving service of humanity specially the less privileged.

Apostolic Carmel Congregation
The Apostolic Carmel Congregation is an Indian Congregation which started in the year 1870 by our Foundress Mother Veronica, a holy and dedicated woman, who was divinely inspired to reach out to and educate many girls in her time. The Apostolic Carmel Congregation is inspired by Christ, who willed the complete development of every person, and our Foundress, Mother Veronica. Carmel Convent School, MAMC Durgapur was established in 1964 and is one of the institutions conducted by the Apostolic Carmel Sisters.

The beginning of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation was marked by a small seed of hope in the rich soil of India, which grew and spread its branches in different parts of the country. The Congregation was founded in Bayonne, France on July 16th, 1868 by Mother Veronica of the Passion and established in India on 19 November 1870.

Mother Veronica of the Passion, formerly named Sophie Leeves, was born on 1 October 1823 to Rev Henry Daniel Leeves and Marina Leeves, in Constantipole. She was well educated and an extremely versatile woman.

Besides being a writer, she was also an excellent musician and was knowledgeable of many languages like Latin, French, Italian, German, Greek, and her own mother tongue, English.

Despite having everything, Mother Veronica never found true happiness and was constantly in search of the truth. She finally found her peace in the Church and had deep faith and belief that God would heal the wound she had caused her widowed mother, in His own time and way.

She knew that a higher destiny was awaiting her and gave herself totally to the service of God. It was the beginning of a dialogue between God and her that was becoming increasingly urgent. She joined the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Apparition, on 14 September 1851, in Athens, Greece. As a nun, Mother Veronica received a new name then as “Sister Veronica of the Passion”.

Mother Veronica had inherited her nature of being benevolent, open-hearted, fiery, and determined in the face of difficulties, from her parents. She also had love and compassion for the poor and above all a deep faith in God, which encouraged her to carry out His will joyfully and at any risk. Her character had developed through her initial interaction with God along with His timely and supporting love. God led Mother Veronica through a series of hurdles until through her He had fulfilled His plan of a Carmel - “A Carmel for the Missions.”

In the year 1862, Mother Veronica was sent to Calicut, India since she had worked in several schools in Europe, as a Sister of St Joseph. It was here that she met Father Marie Ephrem, a French Carmelite, who had invited these Sisters to help fill the void of Catholic schools for the Education of youth. This is where the idea of founding the Apostolic Carmel was determined by Mother Veronica. Her teaching apostolate here was richly blessed. She showed a special love for the less fortunate. Her vision was to empower everyone, rich or poor, to enjoy the “goods of the lands”, which was God’s gift for His people.

It was while here, that she heard another call to enter “Carmel”. Relying on God and empowered by Him, she surmounted all difficulties, ridicule, and insults and in 1867 went back to France to start the foundation of Carmel. She joyfully faced all the challenges, never giving up hope in God and in 1867 she started a small house in Bayonne, France, where the Apostolic Carmel was born. It was here that Mother Veronica trained a batch of three Sisters and sent them to India to carry out her mission.

At a later point, the house in Bayonne had to be closed, but this gave the Apostolic Carmel a singular attribute, making it completely indigenous. The three sisters sent by Mother Veronica landed in Mangalore, India on 19 November 1870, where they began the St. Ann’s School for girls. This fulfilled Mother Veronica’s purpose chosen for her by God- “A Carmel for the Missions.”

For the next 33 years of her life, until her saintly death on November 16, 1906, Mother Veronica continued to encourage the growth of the Apostolic Carmel that she had sown seeds for in India with her prayer and sacrifices.

From the beginning, the Apostolic Carmel has striven to keep the spirit of Mother Veronica alive, which is a personal surrender to God’s all-sufficing love and the profound urge to respond to Him in Apostolic work”.

As true daughters of Mother Veronica of the Passion, our prime concern is to instill values of the Gospel to our students, ensuring that they grow to become responsible citizens of the country, ready to take their place in social, political and cultural life, benevolently and enthusiastically. Our education is directed towards the total development of an individual.

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