Carmel Primary School For Girls, Keorapukur

Website :

Address : Krishnanagar, Keorapukur, PO RC Thakurani, PS Haridevpur, Kolkata 700 104
Phone : 91 9051550474 / 8902541051
Email :

• E-learning resources
• Online class
• Parent portal

• Audio visual
• Computer lab
• Games room

• Blue
• Gold
• Green
• Red

• Annual Sports
• Investiture ceremony
• Rabindra Jayanti
• School Annual Day

Admission for the Academic year 2022-2023
For details please visit

The admission forms for KG I only will be issued from 8.30 am to 10.00 am on the following days
05.01.2022 Wednesday
06.01.2022 Thursday
07.01.2022 Friday
Age in April 2022 should be 4 years to 4 years 11 months.
Form fee Rs 300/- (Kindly deposit exact amount)
Submission of duly filled in forms on 15.01.2022 Saturday (one day only) from 8.30 am to 11.30 am.
Interview for the child will be on 12.02.2022.
19.02.2022 the selected candidates’ names will be displayed on the notice board (one day only).

Other information
The Annual fees will be approximately 7000/- MONTHLY TUITION FEES @ Rs 900/-
In case normal classes resume then the Monthly Tuition Fees will be 1010/-
Cost of uniform and books to be paid separately
Other details will be notified later.

For other classes
• Application forms for Classes KG 2, 5, 6, 7 will be available from the school office from 2 February 2022 to 4 February from 8.30 am to 10.00 am.
• Application fees is Rs. 300/- (Kindly deposit exact amount)
• Forms are available only for above-mentioned classes.
• After duly filling in the form, it is to be submitted to the school office on 16 February (Wednesday) from 9.00 to 11.00 a.m.
• Kindly attach the Xerox copy of birth certificate.
• Entrance exam will be conducted on 26 February 2022 at 9.00 am kindly be present by 8.45 am.
• The entrance exam will be on English and Maths.
• The result of selected candidates will be displayed on the notice board on 5 March 2022 Saturday (only one day).

History of the school
The ardent desire to be one with the creator, urged Mother Veronica to serve humanity with generosity, courage and determination which gave birth to the Apostolic Carmel in 1868.

Mother Veronica, nee Sophie Leaves was born in 1823 to a pious English Anglican parents in Constantinople. She was gifted with the singular gifts of mind and heart which were nurtured by sound education and wide experience. Though the daughter of a Protestant Pastor, she embraced the Catholic faith in 1850, amidst bitter opposition from the family. God took possession of her heart so powerfully that she courageously and generously responded to the call to religious life. She entered the congregation of The Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition in 1851, taking the name Sister Veronica of the Passion.

She came to India in 1862 and worked in Calicut. When in prayer she experienced a divine call to enter Carmel. She made the difficult choice of leaving her congregation of St Joseph’s to join Carmel, a Congregation of cloistered sisters at Pau in France. Again it was terribly difficult for her to leave the peace and happiness of the cloister to set about the task of founding a new Carmelite order for India to serve the need of faith formation through education of young girls of the West Coast of India. The need for a third order was very urgent because in those days education in India was meant only for boys which brought great dissatisfaction to the Indian women, who cried out for knowledge and the light of education.

So God in His infinite wisdom chose Mother Veronica to realize this objective together with Father Marie Ephrem, a Carmelite who had come as a missionary to serve the Indians. She founded the Congregation of the Apostolic Carmel at Bayonne in France in the year 1868 and established it in Mangalore, India in 1870.

The pioneering spirit was felt from time to time in the Congregation. When there was the need for higher Education for women in South Kanara, it was the Apostolic Carmel who established the first Kanara, it was the Apostolic Carmel who established the first Women’s college (St Agnes College) in this region in 1921. The Apostolic Carmel extended its mission to North India in 1921 and to Sri Lanka in 1922. To this day the Congregation tries to fulfill the purpose of its existence through formal and non- formal education of youth in its various colleges, regular Schools, and Schools for the Handicapped, Teacher Training Centres, Women’s Welfare Centres, Prison and Healing ministry. The Apostolic Carmel is established throughout India, Sri Lanka, Kuwait, Pakistan, Kenya, Bahrain, Rome and Naples. It aims at developing the students entrusted to its care, into committed people who should be leaven in their milieu putting love and meaning into human life and endeavor. Today there are over 190 institutions of the Congregation. Mother Veronica’s work lives in 1800 sisters who serve God and people throughout the country.


As on 20.11.2021