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Address : Malancha Road, Nimpura, Kharagpur – 721304, West Bengal, India
Contact : 03222 253757
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School Motto
Soar higher, Shine brighter

The School academic session starts in April and ends in March.
Classes: Nursery to Class 12

Every great work has a humble beginning so also the history of Christopher Day School. The people of Nimpura felt the great need of having a school in their locality, so, Fr. Gilbert Pinto, with the financial help of Mr D’Souza started Christopher Day School , a catholic institution under the management of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Calcutta on 21st January, 1977.

Fr. Gilbert Pinto was in-charge of the school with few committed and reliable teachers. From 1978 to 1983 Ms. Elsy Menon was appointed as the teacher in-charge of the school. From 1981–1983 the school was entrusted to Rev. Fr. Joachim With the arrival of the Servite Sisters a new chapter was begun in the history of Christopher Day School in February 1983.

The school finally got the permanent NOC from the West Bengal Government, on 3rd January 2002 in the silver jubilee year of the school. The first batch of class 10 students appeared for their ICSE examination from Sacred Heart School in the year 2004. On 7th June 2010 the Servite Sisters after rendering 27 years of committed and joyful service handed over the Management of the school back to the diocese.

At the invitation of the Archbishop Lucas Sirkar SDB of the Archdiocese of Calcutta, on the 1st of March in the year 2011, the management of the school was handed over to the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Saints. Bartolomea Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa, an International Congregation founded in Italy in the year 1832 and came to India on the 17 of March 1860. The Society of Sisters of Charity from its inception has developed a profound consciousness that the education of the youth is a vital component of the charisma of its foundress St. Bartolomea Capitanio who held youth “Very dear to her heart” and committed herself whole-heartedly to their personal growth and development so that they would become agents of change for a just society. After the example of this saint, Sr. Roshni Monteiro served this institution as the Principal from 2011 March to 2014 June. The responsibility is handed over to Sr. Nisha who together with the entire Staff and the management tries to lead the school to greater heights.

We commit ourselves to achieve and sustain excellence in imparting holistic education to our students as per the vision of our Lord Jesus Christ envisaged in the Gospel. At the completion of education a Christopher Day School student is

• Spiritually oriented: Has faith in God
• Morally upright: Develops moral values
• Intellectually alert: Loves hard work
• Sensitive to the needs of others: Has social awareness
• Patriotic: Has national spirit
• Going beyond the curriculum prescribed by ICSE so that they may become worthy citizens of our motherland India, and an asset to humanity

Principal’s message
Welcome to Christopher Day School Website. This website is an open window to our effervescent school life. It’s launching is a hall mark of the quick progress the school has made with a motto ‘Soar higher, Shine brighter’.

The pivotal role of education is to mould human lives. Since its inception in 1977 CDS has been providing a platform for the young minds to discover a new facet of their personality, to groom their lives based on God consciousness, right values, mutual respect and love. We foster a climate for academic excellence and are committed wholeheartedly to the personal growth and development of our students so that they would become agents of change for a just society. Our education is essentially an “Education of the heart” as lived and upheld by ‘Sisters of Charity’ who run this institution after the example of their foundress St. Bartolomea Capitanio who held the ‘Youth dear to her heart.’ True to the motto of the school, we strive to conquer greater heights in pursuit of knowledge and on the process let the light of Christ shine bright in our lives. Light dispels darkness. “Let your light shine before others so that they may see the good you do and praise your father in heaven” (Mt.5:16)

Today’s education is no longer the work of the school alone but it’s a partnership between parents and school. So with the collaborative efforts of management, staff, students and parents, our students grow and flourish as dynamic personalities. A wide range of curricular and co curricular activities are offered for students so that they may foster faith in their own capabilities and may attain full potential. As we carry out this awesome and challenging responsibility we are convinced that in CDS we will be forming well adjusted – adults ready to face the challenges of life as they leave the school.

- Sr Nisha