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Address : Saha Nagar, Radhakantapur, Dist –Burdwan, West Bengal, PIN - 713146
Contact : 9475976064/ 9144666399
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School Motto:
Knowledge is best with virtue


Nursery to class 12


For boys and girls

Claret School, Sahanagar, is situated about 10 km from Memari in the District of Purba Burdwan in West Bengal. The spacious campus and serene atmosphere is one of its special features. The school is affiliated to the CISCE (affiliation no. WB332) and prepare students for the Board examinations in ICSE (class 10) and ISC (class12).

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Claret School is one of the educational institutions of Claretians .This school was started in the year 2002 with the aim to provide value based quality education to the people of the locality. From the very first batch onwards our students have excelled in academics, curricular and co-curricular activities. Every year cent percent result is a record achievement. In the current academic year, there are 984 students on the roll, from Nursery to Class 10. They are well guided and nurtured by the competent faculty. The School strives to form, through holistic Claretian Education, citizens who are
• culturally tolerant
• intellectually competent
• morally upright
• professionally skilled
• socially responsive
• spiritually evolved
• for the creation of a civilization of love

Our Aim
• To impart sound moral education
• Devote special attention to spiritual, intellectual, social and physical development
• Committed to the cause of justice
• Offer educational opportunities to the weaker section of society as well
• Treat each boy and girl as a unique and precious gift to his/her family and society
• Make this world a better place to live in

To help students become mature, reliable persons of character
To be clear and firm on principles and courageous in action
To value and use their freedom judiciously
Strive after excellence in every field
To be unselfish in the service of their fellow human beings and appreciate all religions

• Audio Visual Room
• Biology lab
• Chemistry lab
• Computer lab
• Library
• Physics lab
• Play Ground
• Transportation


The curriculum aims to develop the whole personality of a child through motor, sensorial and intellectual activities. A firm foundation for formal learning is built by imparting the necessary skills to listen, speak, read and write independently. We follow the Montessori Method of teaching. Creative expressions and general awareness of things, people and places are encouraged through interactive activities like
• Art and Craft
• Language
• Music
• Role-play
• Sports

Primary School and Middle School
At primary and middle school level, the curriculum prescribed by the ICSE and NCERT, with a blend of social needs, has been adapted in such a way that the learners receive the best and firm foundation for their lifelong studies.

Secondary School
At the secondary level, focus is on increasing productivity, achieving social and national integration, accelerating process of modernization and cultivating social, moral and spiritual values.

Senior Secondary School
School will be offering the national curriculum of AISSCE at +2 level, the students may opt for one of the streams - Science, Commerce and Arts. Similarly, the students get a broad spectrum of subjects which they can choose to suit their interest at the school level. At this level courses are diversified in such a manner so as to enable students to specialize in a specific stream with considerable freedom and elasticity. The +2 courses provide an opportunity and a means to get acquainted with appropriate vocationalisation. Assignments are tailored to encourage independent study to achieve a level of knowledge beyond the subject’s requirement and take on additional projects. The course has been designed to fit for further Engineering, Medical and Management Classes.

Our Mission
Through holistic education in a warm, nurturing environment
• to form spiritually oriented
• morally upright
• intellectually competent
• socially responsible
• culturally tolerant citizens
• for the creation of a civilization of love

Our Vision
Knowledge should not be confined to the four walls of the institution, it
• should percolate outside
• reach out to the needy and the unreached
• encourage students to appreciate the virtues of collaboration
• foster the habits of responsibility and self discipline
• promote initiatives and exercise of individual judgment
• encourage an attitude of positive response to the persistent demands of a changing society
• firmly uphold the belief in basic values and standards

Fees for each academic session (12 Months) shall be paid latest by 20th of the respective month.
Annual fees of the old students are to paid along with the first month of the session.
Registration and Board fee for ICSE shall be realized in the month of June.

Some Rules and Discipline
To maintain strict discipline, to speed up the progress and streamline efficiency, we are compelled to take certain precautionary measures in the institution. Their compliance is compulsory and any failure to do so may necessitate disciplinary action without prior notice.
• Student should wear only prescribed uniform in the school premises.
• All students must come 5 minutes before the school timing, late comers will be sent back.
• Pupils are not allowed to leave the school premises during the regular school hours.
• Irregular attendance, negligence of work, indiscipline, disrespect towards the members of the school staff and immoral influence justifies dismissal.
• Extracurricular activities are part of education to enhance the personality of individuals. Therefore, it is mandatory for all students. They must participate in school activity and other co- curricular activities.
• Students have to be regular and punctual.
• They must come with school diary and it should be signed by parents regularly.
• Students are bound to appear at all tests/examinations conducted by the school. It is obligatory on their part as no re-test shall be conducted. The report card must be shown to the parents for their perusal and signature and the same must be submitted to the respective class teacher.
• Students must be courteous, polite, obedient and well mannered, respectful to teachers and other school staff and maintain cordial inter-personal relationship with every member of school family.
• No student will come to school with valuable items, mobiles, private reading books/ magazines and games material.
• The student of CPS will keep the school campus, property and environment clean, protected in the interest of our nation as you are the future citizens.

History of Our Patron Saint
The school is named after its Heavenly Patron, St Anthony Mary Claret, a 19th Century Catholic Archbishop of Cuba and Founder of the Congregation of Claretian Missionary Fathers. St Anthony Claret (born on December 23, 1807) was a native of Sallent in Spain and a successful businessman. However, riches and success did not satisfy him and he left his worldly pursuits in response to God’s call. Burning with love for God and fellow human beings, he became a priest and then founded a congregation for priests and brothers to spread the message of God’s love for humanity. He sought to serve God and people using “all means possible”.

About The Claretian Missionaries
The Congregation of Claretian Missionary Fathers also called Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary was founded on July 16, 1849 by St Anthony Mary Claret, in Spain. At present, there are over 3000 Claretians working in more than 65 countries. On fire with love for God in Jesus Christ and fellow human beings, they engage in pastoral, social and educational endeavours for the promotion of human life and dignity. In India, there are over 600 Claretians working in 18 states. They serve the poor and the marginalized through pastoral and spiritual animation, educational endeavours, care for the leprosy- affected, drug addicts, AIDS patients, ex-prisoners, the sightless, the differentially-abled, tribals and dalits. In India, they run more than 30 educational institutions, which include schools, colleges and institutes of higher learning.