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Address : Donbosco Para, Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal
Contact : 8942922476
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Convent of Jesus and Mary High School, Ranaghat founded in 1996 is an English Medium Anglo- Indian School for Catholic boys and girls ( co-educational) established and administered by the Congregation of Jesus and Mary. Provision is also made for the admission of non-Christian boys and girls.

The programme of studies is planned to give the students general education in accordance with the aims and objects of the school. The students are prepared for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination ( ICSE) class 10, and Indian School Certificate Examination ( ISC) class 12.

We, the sisters of the Congregation of Jesus and Mary, serving India since 1842, commit ourselves to the promotion of a more just and humane society in our country. The inspiration provided by our Founders, St Claudine Thevenet, since 1818, continues to strengthen this commitment. In the India of today, the pressures of Casteism, Communalism, Poverty and Exploitative structures make it imperative to equip our students not only with Intellectual skills but also with a set of attitudes imbued with social, moral and spiritual values.

Our commitment to this kind of education is made in order to serve specifically the young and among them the poor. We also seek to conscientize them of their Rights and struggle with them in the face of ongoing oppression and exploitation. We invite our Collaborators, Students and Parents to work with us in realizing our challenging vision of bringing about a New India.

Aims and Objectives
The Convent of Jesus and Mary High School, established by the Jesus and Mary Educational Society, a Christian Minority Institution, aims primarily at the education of the Catholic Community for the preservation of the Catholic faith and religious practice. Preference is given to Anglo-Indians. To preserve this Catholic faith, classes in religion is conducted and Catholic children are required to attend these classes. They are also required to participate in retreats, recollection and orientation programmes conducted by the school from time to time and they are strictly compulsory.

Rules and Regulations
Our school has specific rules which every individual needs to follow for proper and smooth functioning of the school.
Use of any jewellery or make up, long nails with varnish is not a part of the school uniform. Boys must have their hair trimmed above shirt collars.
Girls keeping long hair must use red ribbons. Hair dyeing and stylish hair cut is strictly prohibited.
The school is not responsible for lost watches and ornaments.

No examination is held in classes LKG, KG and 1. The daily progress of the pupil in oral and written work is assessed and recorded. A grading system is used for all the subjects.
The school year is divided into two terms and results are intimated to the parents through the progress report. There will be no re-examination for absent students.

School Order and Discipline
Running, playing and shouting inside the school building is never allowed. Pupils from one class should not visit their friends in other class rooms during class hours or free periods.
Mobile phones and iPods are strictly forbidden in school. Such things found with the students will be confiscated which will not be returned.

It is necessary that all students attend school in their full uniform. Those who are not in their complete uniform will not be given permission to enter class.
At the first bell, students are expected to move for the assembly and take their places.

• Computer labs
• Games
• Library
• Science labs
• Smart classes

Claudine Thevenet was a women called by God to form the Congregation of Jesus and Mary. Her work was born in the heart crushed by the pain of personal tragedy. During the French Revolution in 1789 her two brothers were shot dead in her presence. For nineteen year old Claudine, this became a decisive turning point in her life.

God works in wondrous ways to realize His plans. Claudine concluded that in all the violence she witnessed, there was more ignorance than malice. Far from closing in on herself, she opened her heart to the miseries of the poor and orphaned children where she lived. Years later, other women joined her good work and finally formed themselves into a Religious family, calling themselves the Sister of Jesus and Mary.

As time went by Claudine died, her work of leading this little group was taken up by another sister and soon they were invited to come to India, Agra to start a school for the orphaned children of the armed forces.

So in 1842 they sailed to India and undertook the education of girls. They followed Claudine’s vision and ideal as Educators of the young and among them the poor.  

This Religious family born in the church serves internationally and follow Claudine’s ideal to make God known and loved by means of Christian Education in all social milieux.