Address : PO Thakurnagar, Dist. North 24 Parganas, Pin 743287, West Bengal
Contact : +917063180390
Email :

Don Bosco English Medium School, Thakurnagar, is a Catholic Institution established and administered by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Calcutta.
The medium of instruction is English.
It is a Co-educational institution.
The school year is from April to March.
School hours are from 8:00 am to 2:30 pm.

The School will foster the all round growth and development of students to their fullest potential spiritually, intellectually and physically. It will guide them in the development of a sound value system and will inculcate in them a deep love and appreciation for their culture and country. The school will try to create an atmosphere in which the students find scope within their own culture milieu, to reflect on their life and to develop not only in knowledge and skills but also in that wisdom which is the fruit of life and its lessons.

The education imparted is characterized by thoroughness, high principles and freedom. The students are helped to grow in responsibility, self-reliance and human maturity, so that they find meaning and purpose in their lives and inspired to live and work for the building up of a just and fraternal society. Hence, the idea of service is set before them, so that they are trained to be concerned for others, to be aware of their needs and to make sacrifices when necessary, to share what they have with the less privileged. Efforts will, therefore, be made to instill a sense of community rather than a spirit of competition.

• Admission forms are available at the school office.
• A written or oral test may be conducted at the time of interview.
• The original and Xerox copy of the Birth Certificate must be submitted at the time of interview.
• Admission fee is not refundable once the admission is confirmed.
• All the students are expected to complete the academic year, and those who discontinue in- between are to pay the school fees in full.
• School reserves the right to increase the fees at any time of the year, if an increment is considered necessary tuition fees will be raised to meet the yearly increment in salaries and allowances.
• Fees should be paid every month on a particular day. A fine of Rs20/-will charged for fees after the due date No exception from the fine will be allowed.
• The school fees cover twelve months. No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods. Students are liable to be charged full fees as long as their names are officially on the rolls.

Reporting Time: 8:00 am
Assembly: 8:15 to 8:30 am
Any student coming after 8:15 am will be considered late.

• There are 3 major vacations during the year. The summer vacation May/June, the Puja vacation in September/October, the Christmas vacation in December/January.
• There will be class some Saturdays, it will be informed, and Students may be asked to be present for social work. Discussions and Co-curricular activities on these days. Saturday can be a working day in lieu of any other unforeseen holidays.
• The school Calendar and Diary reflect the programme of the whole year indicating vacation periods, weekly and other holidays.

• Regular attendance at the school is in the interest of the student. It builds up a sense of regularity and discipline.
• Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or conduct injurious to the moral tones of the school are sufficient reasons for adopting strict disciplinary measures, which may even lead to dismissal of a student from the school. Those whose attendance falls short of 80% may be debarred from appearing in the examination.

• There will be unit tests before the main examination. Promotion to the next class is decided on the performance of students in these examinations.
• The results of the Final Assessments are final and will not be reconsidered.
• Progress Report is given after each terminal examination. The reports are to be signed by the parents and returned to the school on the following day. SCHOOL REGULATION
• Students are expected to demonstrate an increasing self discipline and to exercise the freedom given to them responsibly. They should treat all senior members with respect and politeness. They should show gentleness and courtesy to their companions, refinements of manners, uprightness and self restraint should be the characteristic of every student of the school. Good manners and polite behaviour is part of education.
• Attendance and punctuality are a must.
• Any damage to school property must be remedied at the cost of the person responsible for the damage.
• Students are strictly forbidden to bring Mobile phones, watches and costly jewellery.
• Every pupil must bring the school diary to the school daily.
• Pupils must be present on the re-opening and closing day of each term.
• Change of Address /phone number must be immediately notified to the school office.
• In order to maintain uniformity in the school all the students are requested to come to school in full uniform. Uniform should be neat and tidy. No fancy hairstyle will be allowed either for the boys or the girls. All boys must have their hair trimmed above their collars. Use of mehendi/nail polish and keeping long nails is not permitted.
• To acquire greater facility in the study of English, only English should be spoken as a medium of communication at all times within the school premises by the students and teachers.
• Beware of appropriating your neighbours’ property even if it be the smallest of things. If you find lost articles, give it at once to the principal.
• Never make fun of those who are backward in lesson. Let there be no ridiculing of anyone on account of his/her physical disadvantages. What you laugh at or despise in others may someday befall you.
• No teacher of the school will undertake any private tuition without the permission of the headmistress / principal. If the child needs special attention in a particular subject, the parents may ask for assistance from our teachers with the consent of the principal during the school hour.

• Parents are requested not to take their children for holidays before the set date for vacation or to extend the vacation. No leave of absence for the child will be granted without a prior written application from the parent/guardian.
• All corrections regarding the students are to be addressed to the Principal in writing.
• Parents are requested to co-operate with the work of the school by enforcing regularity and discipline, by taking an interest in the children’s progress and by attending Principal-Parents meeting and Parents-Teachers meeting when requested.
• Parents and guardians should not stand near the school gate once their ward enters the school complex.
• All the personal articles (books, box, tiffin boxes, water bottle, blazers, sweaters, bags etc.) of the students are to be marked with their full name and class. The school will not take any responsibility for lost articles, money, books, bags etc. The children are not allowed to wear any gold or silver ornaments during school hours.
• Vehicles are not allowed to park in front of the school gate.
• All the above mentioned rules and regulations are subject to change from time to time.

DBS Anthem: 1
A Happy band (A Happy band)
From far and near (From far and near)
We meet to learn (We meet to learn)
The right today (The right today)
Beloved school (Beloved school)
Don Bosco school (Don Bosco school)
Our love for thee (Our love for thee)
Shall never fail (Shall never fail)
For God is all our strength,
in Him we do and Dare
The hard right against the wrong,
we cherish and reverse
Then proudly let us stand,
united heart and hand
And pray that God may bless and keep
Don Bosco School. A happy……..

DBS Anthem: 2
We thank you o Lord, for Don Bosco
In Him we see the wonders of your love
You filled him with gifts of nature and of grace
To lead young people to their home above
    He was a man profoundly human
    Open to the sign of the times
    And yet he was a man, he was a man of God.
Enable us to be his doubles
Faithful to the service of youth
Overcoming hardships with firmness
With hearts filled with your / love.