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Address : PO Anandanagar, Nadia District 741245, West Bengal
Contact : +91 33 25898764 / 9674464775
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As on year

Don Bosco School, Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, founded in 2017, a co-education English medium school, is established and administered by the Salesians of Don Bosco. It is a minority institution belonging to the Catholic Church. Preference is given to Christian students; provision is also made for the students of other religions.

Type of school
day school

Recognized by
National Commission for Minority Educational Institutions, Govt of India and Dept of Education of Govt of West Bengal and to an appropriate affiliation and examination body up to the level of Higher Secondary.

Medium of instruction


Academic year
April to March

Subjects offered
• English
• Bengali / Hindi compulsory subjects as Indian languages
• Mathematics
• Science
• Social Studies
• Computer

Religious instructions:
• Christian Doctrine, catechism is compulsory for Christian students
• Moral Science is compulsory for students of other faiths

Social service projects form an integral part of the school curriculum

Admission formalities
Applications for admissions to KG and Class 1 are accepted from students of all faiths. However Christians are given preference. Admissions to other classes are taken against chance vacancies at the beginning of the school year.

A self attested copy of birth certificate from civil authorities must be submitted to school for admission. Catholic students must also produce Baptism Certificate along with a letter from the parish of residence.

New candidates will be examined on the syllabus of the class immediately below that to which they seek admission.

School fees cover 12 calendar months. No deduction is made for holidays or broken periods.

School reserves the right to increase the fees at any time of the year if an increment is considered necessary. 10% annual increase in the tuition fee or any other is normal.

Private tuitions
The school forbids all private tuitions. A pupil should be able to progress as a result of good teaching in school. Teachers are not allowed to undertake private tuitions. A student who takes tuition from his own teacher may be dismissed from school.

Co-curricular activities
• Debate
• Drawing
• Elocution
• Essay writing contest
• Letter writing contest
• Music
• Painting
• Quiz
• Science exhibition
• Singing
• Speech competition

Outdoor/indoor games
• Cricket
• Football
• Basketball
• Volleyball
• Table tennis

House System > the school is divided into 4 houses: BLUE, YELLOW, RED, GREEN

• Students are not allowed to bring two wheelers to school or drive a four wheeler to school.
• Students of Don Bosco School are forbidden to join social media, even in fictitious name. Any breach of the above code of conduct justifies expulsion from the school without further notice.
• Students attending school is obliged to take part in choral singing, drill, games and other co- curricular activities organized by the school in school or outside school.
• Every student is expected to subscribe towards local charities and other relief efforts if authorized by the Principal.
• Visit to restaurants, cinema, multiplexes and other public places in school uniform is a serious breach of discipline inviting action. Hair colouring, using styling gel and fashionable hair cuts are not allowed in school. Students who have begun to shave must have a clean shaven face.

In 1815, on August 16, the father and friend of youth John Bosco was born. At the age of nine John had a mysterious dream, which led him to his future mission that he decided to become a priest and commit his life for the welfare of young people.

To complete his education John had to do his share work on the family farm and study in the evening. John entered the seminary and was ordained a priest on June 5,1841 and from then on he was known as Don Bosco(Father Bosco). In 1853 two small workshops had been opened, a Shoemakers’ and the other a Tailors for teaching the unemployed youngsters to earn an honest livelihood.

In December 1859 these young people were formed into a simple society. In May 1862 they took the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience thus forming a true religious congregation. In 1869 this community of men was officially recognized by “Salesians” after St. Francis de Sales. Don Bosco called his method of education the “Preventive system”, based on Reason, Religion and Kindness. Don Bosco also founded a Congregation of religious nuns known as the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

Don Bosco died on January 31, 1888 at the age of seventy three. He was declared a saint on April 1934. His feast day is celebrated on January 31 every year.

The tiny seed planted by Don Bosco has now grown into a mighty tree cutting across caste, creed, cultures and languages. The Don Bosco concern has become an international movement contributing to peace and universal brotherhood in over 134 countries. Salesians of Don Bosco came to India in 1906. Today we work in all the states in India through our various institutions.