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Address : Base Hospital Road, Army Cantt Area, Uttar Bagdogra, Darjeeling District, West Bengal 734422
Contact : 74074 82320
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About our school Good Shepherd School, Bagdogra is a Christian Minority School established in 1970 by Rev Fr Koduppana of Good Shepherd Catholic Church of Bagdogra.
Good Shepherd is a co-educational school owned by the catholic diocese of Bagdogra. It is affiliated to the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) New Delhi. The medium of instruction is English. Hindi or Bengali is taught from Class 1 onward. The school is open to all irrespective of caste, creed, economic status or place of origin, who the school judge, will share the value it stands for.

Aims and objectives
The school is under Christian management and therefore has a Christian aim. Our aim is to bring our students to an awareness of God’s love, care and compassion so that they will find meaning in life and hope for the future. We aim at the making of a wholesome personality. Hence we endeavour to give our students initiation towards an all round development of their intellectual, moral, physical and aesthetic endowments. More particularly we aim at the formation of a right conscience in our pupils by giving them understanding of true freedom, respect for the moral order and obedience to lawful authority.

Good Shepherd School envisages to create an awareness of God’s love, care and compassion in the students, helping them to find meaning in life and hope for the future. With the aim of making of a wholesome personality, it endeavours to give its students, initiation towards an all round development of their intellectual, moral, physical and aesthetics endowments. With singular focus on the formation of a right conscience in its pupils, it instills in them the understanding of true freedom, respect for the moral order and obedience to the lawful authority.

Examination and promotion
1 Two examinations are conducted in a year. Beside this Assessment Tests will be conducted weekly. 20 marks based on assessment test will be added to both the examinations.
2 Students absent from any of the examination for any reason will not be re-examined.
3 If a child is caught using unfair means in any examination, he/she will not be allowed to appear for the remaining subjects, under any circumstances and he/she will not be promoted to the next class.
4 Result of the examination is final and will not be reconsidered. Parents and guardians are not expected to dictate terms to the school authorities regarding their child's promotion or detention which is decided on the merit of the whole year’s performance of the child.

Admission formalities
For details please visit

Rules and regulations
For better tomorrow
Students should arrive at the school at least 15 minutes before the assembly. Soon after the assembly bell, the school gate will be locked and the late comers will be asked to go home at the risk of the parents/guardians.

All are expected to attend the class on the opening day after each vacation. Those absent without prior leave will be fined at the rate of Rs. 50/- per day. Those who are absent because of sickness must inform the school before or on the reopening day failing which they must pay the above penalty.

Pupils who have been absent from class must have the reason entered in the regularity record and get it signed by the principal before entering the Class.

If a child continues to be absent for a month without permission, his/her name will be   struck off from the school rolls and in case of rejoining, in addition to the admission fee payable, re-admission shall be subjected to the discretion of the Principal.

Strict regularity, implicit obedience, honesty, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of dress and person are expected from every pupil. Students and their parents must strictly confirm to the instructions, rules and regulations laid down in this regard.

Care must be taken for all School property and no student should scratch or spoil the desk or benches or damage nay school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls, even by accident should be reported at once to the appropriate authority. Any kind of damage done to the property of the school must be made good.

Each class will be responsible for looking after the class property.

No jewellery is allowed in the school.

Parents and guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers during school hours without prior permission of the Principal.

Fine may be imposed by the Principal for breaches against regularity or discipline.

No Pupil will be promoted to the next class before the end of the school year.

No gifts to the members of the staff or other remunerations in their honour will be allowed without the permission of the Principal.

All fees and dues for the term must be cleared in full, before the beginning of the examination. If not, the pupils will not be allowed to sit for the examination.

Each student is required to be present for 90% of School days as pre-condition for promotion. The result declared at the end of the year is final and cannot be reconsidered. In all question of promotion the Principal’s decision is final.

All students are expected to bring their tiffin with them.

Smoking and chewing of pan by the students are strictly forbidden.

Students should treat others respectfully and are responsible for other’s good name. Calling nicknames and spreading rumors are strictly forbidden.

Pupils are forbidden to bring crackers, camera, mobile phones or any other dangerous things to the school.

The pupils of Good Shepherd School are expected to behave in a polite manner on all occasions. They should address their teachers and all members of the staff with courtesy. Refinement of manners, uprightness and self-restraint should distinguish every pupil of the school.

It is compulsory for every student to take part in co-curricular activities organized by the school.

• Any change of address must be immediately communicated to the Principal.
• No school business will be transacted on holidays or after the school hours.
• The school reserves the right to introduce, withdraw, modify amend or alter any of the information contained herein.