Loreto House School, Kolkata

Website : www.loretohousekolkata.com

Address: 7 Middleton Row, Kolkata 700071
Contact: 033-2229 3565
Email: loretohouse.school@gmail.com

School Motto
Mary queen of angels in the cross, while I breathe I Trust
Maria regime angle orum cruci own Fido

Affiliated to

visit https://www.loretohousekolkata.com/Nursery_Admission_2021_2022.aspx

Although its prime purpose is the education of Catholic girls, students of other denominations are also accepted. The aim of the school is to give its pupil a sound moral education while devoting special attention to their intellectual, social, physical and emotional development.

The idea of service is set before the pupils who are expected to give themselves unselfishly to their immediate duty, to possess an awareness of the needs of those around them which will bring them, eventually, to a realization that the welfare of humankind requires that all contribute to society, by helping and serving one’s fellowmen. It is hoped that the pupils of Loreto will leave the school with a strong conviction that, “happiness consists not in what you can get, but in what you can give “(Gandhi). All girls, therefore, from Class VI upwards are required to do some form of social work.

• Enrollment in Loreto House implies willingness in parents and pupil to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.

• Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or conduct injurious to the tone of the school, are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a pupil.

• The pupils of Loreto House are expected to behave in a lady- like manner on all occasions. They should address all members of the staff with due respect and politeness. They must show gentleness and courtesy to their companions. Refinement of manners, uprightness and self restraint should be the hallmark of every pupil of the school.

• Parents must consult the principal should they wish to have private tuition for their children from members of the School staff, since such tuition is not, as a rule encouraged.

• No cell-phones, books, periodicals, pictures, newspapers or expensive pens, pencil boxes, water- bottles etc shall be brought into the school or circulated among the students. If a student is found in possession of a cell phone during school hours, it will be confiscated and the Management will not be held responsible for the safe custody of any such item. Personal property eg books, cardigans, bags etc should bear the name of the owner.

• Every pupil is expected to take part in all school activities. This regulation also applies when such activities take place out of the usual school hours. Should Seminars or Training Session be organized, all concerned students are expected to attend.

• Parents are to ensure their children have breakfast before leaving for school. They are to give their children a snack if they have to stay back after school. Buying eatables from the street vendors is forbidden. They are to use the school canteen.

• Visiting Clubs, restaurants, shopping malls and theatres in school uniform is strictly forbidden, so is loitering around outside the school after school hours.

• No collection of money is allowed without the Principal’s sanction. Students are not permitted to give personal gifts to members of the staff. Children are permitted to give only inexpensive sweets to their friends on their birthdays.

Extra Curricular Activities
• Christian life community (CLC)
• Dancing
• Justice peace and integrity of creation
• Karate
• Leadership Training Services (LTS)
• Singing
• Speech and Drama

The institute of the blessed Virgin Mary (Loreto) was founded by Mary Ward (1585-1645), a dynamic English Catholic lady, during the most turbulent time in England when Catholics were being persecuted, and Europe was being troubled by religious intolerance and rights of women were unheard of. It was under these circumstances that Mary Ward, who had been called to a religious life when she was all of 15 years, took it upon herself to envision a very active order, working in society for the education and uplift of women. The task set by our founders continues to be carried out by her spiritual daughters and Mary Ward herself remains as an ever inspiring figure to young women worldwide. On 19 December 2009, Pope Benedict XVI declared Mary Ward as Venerable and recognition was given to her as a woman of heroic virtue.

Loreto in India owes its origin to a visit by Dr Bakhaus to Loroto Abbey, Rathfarnham, Ireland, in 1840 to request Mother Teresa Ball to send sisters to set up a school for Catholic children in Calcutta. In response to this, Mother Teresa Ball sent 7 Loreto Sisters and 5 Postulates, all in their twenties, under the leadership of Delphine Hart to India, with the belief that they would probably never see their homeland again. These pioneers were Mother Delphine Hart, Mother Teresa Mons, Mother Martina McCann, and Sisters Alexia Egan, Vironica Fox, Gabriel Doyle, Miss Isabella Hart ( M. Delphine’s sisters), a Miss McDonough (later named as Sister Xaviria), along with two other postulants, Miss Shanley and Miss Fitzpatrick. Sailing on a ship named The Scotia, this group of pioneers left Dublin on September 1, 1841 from Ireland and landed at Babughat, Kolkata on December 29, 1841. They were the first congregation to come to North India.

Arrangements were made for a formal welcome and religious ceremony at the Cathedral on Portuguese Church Street. A great civil reception was held the next day, where they were welcomed by the Ladies of the Nun Committee, a large gathering of the people of Calcutta and Bishop Carew, and thereafter they were installed at the house in Middleton Row. Earlier occupants of the building included Henry Vansittart, Governor of West Bengal (1760-1764), Sir Elijah Impey, First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at Calcutta (1774-1782) and from 1842, the second Anglican Bishop of Calcutta, Bishop Herber. On January 10, 1842, Loreto House School was opened in this building. Meanwhile, the construction of St Thomas’ Church, on the same premises had begun from November 11, 1841. The Catholic Archbishop of Calcutta, Mrg Carew, also constructed a residence for himself next to the church and at the doorstep of Loreto House. This building was then known as St Thomas’ House. The only original buildings on the premises now are St Thomas’ Church and a part of the building where the college was first established. The Provincial of the Loreto institute in India now resides within the walls that first housed Loreto College. On 10 January 1842 the Sisters began the school at Loreto House with 60 pupils as well as taking classes in the orphanage at the Murgihatta Cathedral in keeping with Mary Ward’s dictum to ‘love the poor’. Thus began this long and wonderful journey of Loreto House that stands tall and proud as ever evolving dynamic educational institution, that priorities the holistic development of the girls put into its care.

Loreto Chorus
To east and west of that Fair Isle
Where the first Loreto stands,
Loreto banner now both fly in many distant lands,
In sunny Spain, on Africa’s strand and
Under the Southern Cross
And Westward ho, where rainbow hued
Nigeria’s waters toss.
Loreto’s banner gaily floats
In lands both East and West Loreto’s name each girl reveres
And holds it ever blest.
But first Loreto found a home beneath our Indian skies
Where now o’er plain and mountain peak
The well loved banner flies.
Loreto’s standards bearer we
In girlhood springtime gay
O may we e’er be loyal and true
To the school friends of today.
And when our school days ended are
And our varied paths divided O may the ideas of our youth
Still ever be our guide;
High ideas of purity, of duty and of truth
Learnt while we bore Loreto’s flag
In the sunny days of youth.