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Address : Galsi, Purba Bardhaman 713 406
Phone : +91 9564510202
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With a history of 14 successful years, St Francis de Sales School is a name you can trust.

St Francis de Sales School is not only about education it is about Touching Lives and Moulding Future. Presently known as SFS, the school is a gift of the North East Province of the Missionaries of St Francis de Sales (MSFS) to the people of Galsi and India at large. The school started with only 115 students, but down the years the number increased and today the school has nearly 600 students. We have state of the art infrastructure with well equipped and furnished Science laboratories, Computer Labs, Sports and Games facilities, wifi campus and above all a true home away from home. We have adopted various measures to lighten the stress and to make learning a joyful experience of interaction between teachers and students through project presentation. We have also introduced a system that evaluates the comprehensive and continuous performance of the students and teachers. The SFS school primarily visualizes inculcating in every child a scientific temper and critical thinking, value based life skills and God loving young generation.

To be an institution of excellence in educational leadership committed to nation building and global citizenship based on the Universal Christian values advocated by St Francis de Sales.

• To provide a conducive and safe atmosphere to every student for joyful and holistic learning and a place for every employee to strive for excellence
• To provide a creative, engaging and scientifically tempered environment that would enable students to be globally competent
• To nurture leadership with a deep sense of professional ethics, national integration, universal brotherhood and respect for humanity
• To nurture leadership with a deep sense of professional ethics, national integration, universal brotherhood and respect for humanity
• To instill Fransalian values of gentleness with firmness, optimism and compassion

• Parents/ Guardians seeking admission of their wards are required to fill up a prescribed Registration form against a fee from the school office.
• Applications for admission are accepted from students of all faiths.
• For the admission to LKG normally required age is 3 years 6 months and a corresponding scale of age for the subsequent classes.
• Parents are requested to fill the Admission Form with utmost accuracy. No subsequent changes will be permitted.
• A candidate who seeks admission to a class other than LKG must produce a Transfer Certificate.
• New candidates must be introduced personally to the Principal by the one who will be responsible for his conduct and payment of fees.
• While seeking admission to a class other than LKG the candidates will be examined on the syllabus of the previous class.
• Principal is the final authority in granting admissions.

Withdrawal and Dismissal
• Parents/ Guardian must submit a written application in the office five (5) days in advance to obtain a Transfer Certificate and any other certificate.
• The Transfer Certificate will be issued for a fee
• No certificate will be issued until all dues to the school have been paid in full and only on receipt of a written application to the Principal, from the parent/guardian.
• Any student failing two years in succession in the same class or failing twice in three consecutive years, will have his name struck off the rolls and a Transfer Certificate will be issued.
• Students whose attendance is irregular, who do not pay their fees, who are habitually late or absent, lazy or disobedient whose conduct is injurious to the moral tone of the school or incompatible with strict discipline, may be dismissed.
• As a rule, a student who is dismissed, has taken Transfer Certificate is not re-admitted.
• Principal’s decision is final in all cases of dismissal or withdrawal.

• Every student is expected to be regular in attendance. S/he should be punctual.
• No student will be allowed to leave the school premises during the class hours.
• Students should not absent themselves from the school, without prior permission in writing.
• In case of illness, a leave note should be sent immediately and on reporting, medical certificate should be submitted.
• Name will be struck off the roll if a student remains absent for five consecutive days without prior information.
• 90% attendance is required for promotion, besides the academic requirements.
• Late arrival to school is a breach of discipline. A student who comes late to school must enter the date and time of arrival into the Regularity Record under ‘Late’ and get it signed before entering the class room.

School fees
• The school fees cover twelve calendar months and may be paid in monthly installments or in advance. No reduction is made for holidays. Students are liable to be charged full fees as long as their names are on the rolls.
• The fees, if paid monthly, must be paid on or before the due date, failing which a late fee will be levied up to the end of the month and thereafter cumulatively. Due dates are clearly indicated in the school diary.
• Fees for the holiday months must be paid before the school closes. All dues must be paid before the school year ends.
• The school reserves the right to increase the fees at any time of the year if an increment is considered necessary.

School uniform
Every student must wear a clean, complete and correct uniform daily. Uniform is compulsory for school activities, both curricular and co-curricular. Defaulters may be penalized or sent back home.

Class hours are as follows:
• 07.40 am : School gate will be closed
• 07.45 am : Assembly
• LKG and UKG : 07.45 am to 11.30 am
• Class 1 to 4 : 07.45 am to 12.30 pm
• Class 5-10 : 07.45 am to 01.15 pm

Principal’s message
Touching lives and moulding future – this is our dream, aspiration, heartbeat and deep down longing of the heart. Here at St Francis de Sales School, we do touch and mould the lives of the young boys and girls.

-Rev Fr Michael Jacob

Wbacs > #372 LV-389
As on 25.02.2022