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Address : ONGC Road, Bakeswar, PO Nepalgunge, District 24 Parganas(S), 700 103
Telephone : +91 33 6536 1138
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St Ignatius School is under the administrative control of the School Committee, which in turn, is constituted by the Governing Body of the Philanthropic Society of the Orthodox Church (PSOC) Kolkata, the Founder Body of the School.

Co-educational day school

Academic year
April to March


School timing
Nursery 8.15am - 11.25am
LKG & UKG 8.15am - 12.05pm
Classes 1-8 8.15am – 2.00pm

Office hours
8.30am – 1.00pm

Our vision
The life of St Ignatius is the guiding spirit of our educational institution. We want:
To transform students into persons of character and faith who seek God as source of life
To obtain values that uphold human dignity, equality, peace and social justice
To create opportunities for the underprivileged and to show respect for all people
To achieve academic excellence
To create pupils who are efficient, beneficial collaborators in building the “New India”

The bridge to the future
St Ignatius High School is the sixth school opened by the Philanthropic Society of the Orthodox Church. We strongly believe that education is a healer of many human and social problems. By enlightening the mind, children have the best opportunity to survive and succeed in this increasingly harsh world. As a co-educational day school, St Ignatius School provides quality education through:

Innovative, dedicated, and experienced faculty and staff
Global standards for discipline and academic achievement
Safe, pollution-free, healthy environment
Computer laboratory and library
Recreational park and playground
Full boarding facilities for boys and girls
Reliable transportation
With such attention and care to every child, St Ignatius School gives students an education with Christian values, providing the opportunity for them to develop habits of internal reflection, self- discipline, self-esteem and self-reliance. Each child is taught to maintain openness of mind, dignity of conduct, appreciation for others and the environment and a mutual respect for social, economic and cultural diversity.

St Ignatius Boys’ Hostel and Theotokos Girls’ Hostel are facilities under the Philanthropic Society of the Orthodox Church and provide boarding facilities to the students of St Ignatius School. They are under the separate administration of the Philanthropic Society.

Philanthropic Society of the Orthodox Church
In 1993, the Greek Orthodox Church in Kolkata established a Philanthropic Society dedicated to help those shunned by society: the urban slum people, uneducated, orphaned, widowed, handicapped, sick, and the poor rural population using a variety of humanitarian services dedicated to the aid of the underprivileged such as:

The Morning Feeding Program providing nutritious prepared meals
Free Medical and Dental Services
Shelter and Clothing for the needy and homeless
Boys’ and Girls’ Orphanages
Free schooling with excellent teachers
Sponsorship for rural development projects
These, as well as many other projects ensure that the Society is taking necessary steps to alleviate poverty and empower the underprivileged of Kolkata.
