St. Joseph’s College, Bowbazar, Kolkata

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Address: 69 & 70 Bepin Behari Ganguly Street, Kolkata 700012
Contact: 033 2212 1258 / 033 40663075

School motto
Viriliter age > Act manfully

St Joseph’s College, Kolkata is a unit of Congregation of Christian Brothers in India.

School code

Affiliated to


In the Primary School the emphasis on the acquiring of skills and providing experiences and activities that lead the child to respond to the wonderful world in which he lives. The child’s progress is assessed by the evaluation of regular work. Promotion is automatic and a child will be detained only if it is felt that he will benefit by repeating the class.

In the Middle School the boy’s progress is assessed through routine work, tests and examinations. Promotion to higher classes will depend on his performance in all these various assessments. In the Senior School the process of ICSE and ISC are followed.

A programme of religious education for Catholic boys and of value education for other boys forms a most important element of the curriculum.


Co-curricular activities
• Cubs
• Cultural activities
• Games
• Scouts


Blessed Edmund Rice 1762 – 1844
Our Founder, Blessed Edmund Rice, started his first school in a converted stable in Waterford, Ireland, in 1802 – two hundred nineteen years ago. He was 40 years old and was a very successful businessman whose young wife, Mary, (nee Elliott) had died tragically in 1789, leaving Edmund to care for their retarded baby daughter, also called Mary.

The double tragedy of his wife’s death and his daughter’s disability led the compassionate Edmund, (already well known for his works of charity), to further efforts on behalf of the poor in his city. His school was a way of empowering poor boys, deprived of education because of their religion and their poverty. Edmund attracted like-minded men to join him in his venture. He dedicated his fortune to establish schools and devised a rule of life for himself and his companions. They lived together in community, prayed together, worked together and had all things in common. Edmund’s ground gained papal approval in 1820 and was thereafter known as the Congregation of Christian Brothers. Some of the group preferred to live according to the first rule Edmund adapted from that of the Presentation Sisters. In time this group became the Brothers of the Presentation Rule, and they looked to Edmund as their revered Founder. Edmund’s schools spread throughout Ireland and England before his death on 29 August 1844. He had guided his Brothers through difficult times, facing opposition from government and church, and even from some of his own Brothers. “Providence is our inheritance” was his guiding principle, and he prayed continually to the God in whom he trusted.

Four years after Edmund’s death two Brothers, trained by the Christian Brothers in Ireland, arrived in Kolkata and assumed responsibility for the boys in the orphanage in Moorghihatta and a school in Bow Bazar Street. Others joined them. The orphanage was transferred to Dum Dum (St. Mary’s Orphanage) in 1947, and the Bow Bazar Schools became St Joseph’s College and St George’s Free School. The Kolkata Society amalgamated with the parent body in Ireland in 1890. More than 2 centuries down the road, the work of the Congregation of Christian Brothers and its co-workers continues. Let us thank God for this.

School Anthem Lift up your Voice today
In happy, rousing chorus
Is the motto we proudly
Keep before us
Shall be our proud endeavour
Josephytes united
Brave, by none affrighted
Proud sons of SJC.