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Phone : 0353-2662824
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Established by the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny

St Joseph's School is an unaided, co-educational Catholic Institution established in 1978 by the Registered Society of Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny in the Diocese of Jalpaiguri. Although meant primarily for Catholic students the school is open to all irrespective of religion, caste or community. The School prepares students for The Indian School Certificate of Secondary Education Examination.

The aim of the school is all round development of the students. Care is taken to help each one grow spiritually and aesthetically, morally, physically and academically, in a homely atmosphere and in close collaboration with parents. No effort is spared to inculcate values and habits of honesty, integrity and loyalty, of politeness, respect and neatness, regularity, responsibility and diligence.

Character formation, physical and academic excellence are based on the love of God, of dependence of His Grace and His will and of personal effort, as modelled by Jesus Christ. Pupils are expected to do their best to attain that harmonious development which will make them worthy citizens of our great nation sincerely committed to God, home and country.

St Joseph's School is committed to an education which is geared to the development of the whole person.
We aim at excellence and high standard of teaching and learning.
We focus on the use of knowledge correctly, efficiently and effectively based on, spiritual and cultural values like honesty, truthfulness, justice, charity and purity. We provide an atmosphere where students learn to relate to one another with respect and concern. Eco friendly awareness is created by taking care of one's health through nutrient food, hygiene and cleanliness.
We encourage all to develop self-confidence through various activities that they become men and women who can meet challenges of modern society with courage and dignity.

Admission for details please visit

Co-curricular activities
• Art Dance
• Badminton
• Basket Ball
• Education
• Library
• March Past
• Music
• Oration
• Spelling Bee
• Sports game

Cluny Ethos
St Joseph's School is a Catholic educational establishment where we provide a welcoming and secure environment for boys and girls. Opportunities are provided for each individual to develop their latent potential to become fully human and to respect themselves and others.

Anne Marie was a woman steeped in the gospels, a free woman, an educator of youth, and liberator of slaves, ready to do everything to alleviate human distress. Her pedagogy was based on strong convictions and on her vision of what it means, she said, "Education consist in showing persons how to "be" more and not only to "have" more. They should become better not only for themselves but also with and for others".

Cluny education has, from its inception, devoted to education of students from all levels of society, from a perspective of justice. It challenges students to become aware of injustice in the world and to work with others towards the liberation of unjust structures so that the poor, oppressed and the marginalized of the society are set free.

School Affiliation
The Council has been so constituted as to secure suitable representation of: Government of India, State Governments/Union Territories in which there are Schools affiliated to the Council, the Inter- State Board for Anglo-Indian Education, the Association of Indian Universities, the Association of Heads of Anglo-Indian Schools, the Indian Public Schools' Conference, the Association of Schools for the ISC Examination and members co-opted by the Executive Committee of the Council.

In 1952, an All India Certificate Examinations Conference was held under the Chairmanship of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Minister for Education. The main purpose of the Conference was to consider the replacement of the overseas Cambridge School Certificate Examination by an All India Examination. This set the agenda for the establishment of the Council. In October 1956 at the meeting of the Inter-State Board for Anglo-Indian Education, a proposal was adopted for the setting up of an Indian Council to administer the University of Cambridge, Local Examinations Syndicate's Examination in India and, to advise the Syndicate on the best way to adapt its examination to the needs of the country. The inaugural meeting of the Council was held on 3rd November, 1958.

In December 1967, the Council was registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.

In 1973, the Council was listed in the Delhi School Education Act 1973, as a body conducting "public" examinations.

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations is committed to serving the nation's children, through high quality educational endeavors, empowering them to contribute towards a humane, just and pluralistic society, promoting introspective living, by creating exciting learning opportunities, with a commitment to excellence.

Trust and fair play
Minimum monitoring
Allowing schools to evolve own niche
Catering to the needs of the children
Giving freedom to experiment with new ideas and practices
Diversity and plurality - the basic strength for evolution of ideas

Schools to motivate pupils towards the cultivation of:
Excellence - The Indian and Global experience
Values - Spiritual and cultural - to be the bed rock of the educational experience

Schools to have an 'Indian Ethos', strong roots in the national psyche and be sensitive to national aspirations.

As a leader in the provision of world-wide educational endeavors, the Council's vast experience and wisdom is called upon in many forums such as the Council of Boards of School Education in India (COBSE), State Education Departments, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), the National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT), the Ministry for Human Resource Development and the Planning Commission, affirming the intrinsic integrity and credibility of the Council and the system it espouses.

From the Principal's desk: Welcome to St Joseph's School, Bhaktinagar.
Our websites gives us a glimpse into our school.

All alumni are invited to be a part of its SJS as it moves on to the heights of excellence in all aspects of academics. Our education is a call to discover the deeper meaning of life, to learn, to interact with people, to love nature, to think freely and critically, to find fulfillment in work and to plan the future in other words 'to be' rather than 'to have'.

Hence all effort is being made to enable students to think for themselves independently and critically, to strive after excellence in every field, to become mature a spiritual being, a man and woman of character, to take full responsibility for every action done, to be a service to their fellow men by being concerned towards the poor, weak, socially oppressed and to become agents of needed social change.

This is brought about by quality education based on spiritual and humanizing values which can liberate and transform self and the society in which we live.

"Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if anything is worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen..., do; and the God of peace will be with you" - (Philippians- 4:8).