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Address : PO Sewli, Telinipara, Kolkata 700121, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal
Contact : 91-33-2535 0055
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School Motto

It contains the Motto of the school, which is LOVE and SERVICE. The Cross - the sign of our  Salvation. The Book stands for the Sacred Scriptures through which we are called to grow in Wisdom and Knowledge of God. The Heart with Flame reminds us to let ourselves to burn with the  Fire of Holy Love. The leaves stand for  Peace and Prosperity.

Established in the year 2012, St. Luigi School, Barrackpore stands tall as the best and most acclaimed academic institute in Barrackpore. A school with a difference, this institute is situated in the outskirts of Kolkata presently running from Class 1 to Class 9. This School always strives for excellence by virtue of the quality and holistic education imparted to the students, state-of-the-art infrastructure; modern technology enabled teaching-learning tools, exceptional laboratory facilities and other ample amenities. Be a part of this elite institution to ensure a quality education based on human and Gospel values.

The school's mission is to provide a conducive atmosphere that promotes holistic education above all to focus on the formation of the heart, to nurture a sense of the Divine and transcendence, to instill the virtues of gentleness, compassion, love and service. Here we foster academic excellence, expect and practice high standard of conduct, ensure safety of each child and work with parents as co educators/ collaborators of education.

St Luigi School, based on the values imparted by St. Luigi Scrosoppi, aims at promoting vibrant leaders of transformation of the world in which we live by imparting to the students high human values, ethical principles and a heart level education so that every student, with wisdom of heart, is involved in the mission of transforming the world in to a fraternal one.

There will be two unit tests and two main examinations during the year. Besides these, surprise class tests are frequently taken. Promotion to the next class is made on the results of these examinations. After each term progress report cards will be given. The parents or guardians must sign the record copy and answer scripts doing PTA meetings. If the children are sick, they should never be allowed to send school for the sake of examination. No pupil will be promoted to the next class if the attendance during the year is below 75%. Non-academic performance of a student during the year is also taken into account in determining promotion. Failure to appear / submit any of the assessments / assignments can seriously affect a student's promotion. There is no provision for supplementary test / exam of students who remain absent during any test /exam.


• Health
• Nature
• Literary
• Science

• Labs
• Library

• Green
• Yellow Red Blue

All about Saint Luigi Scrosoppi
Saint Luigi Scrosoppi (4 August 1804 - 3 April 1884) was an Italian priest of the Roman Catholic Church who founded the Sisters of Providence of Saint Cajetan of Thiene. He was canonized in 2001. St. Luigi Scrosoppi was the last of the three brothers born to Domenico Scrosoppi, a jeweler from Udine, and Antonia Lazzarini. His brother Carlo was ordained to the priesthood when Luigi was six and his other brother Giovanni Battista followed.

As a teenager, he felt a call to the priesthood and studied before he was ordained to the diaconate in 1826. He was ordained to the priesthood on 31 March 1827 and celebrated his first Mass with his brothers. He helped to manage a children's center that his brother Carlo ran and he was an assistant there in 1829. Later he joined the Third Order of Franciscans. As head of the "union of the heart of Jesus Christ," he devoted himself to the construction of an orphanage and supported his brother Carlo, who also was a priest.

He gave himself tirelessly to fundraising and was soon running an organization that accommodated 100 boarders and 230 day pupils in a building which became known as the House of the Destitute. Scrosoppi established the Sisters of Providence of Saint Cajetan of Thiene and it was to receive the official approval of Pope Pius IX on 22 September 1871. Luigi joined the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri in 1846 and was elected as its provost on 9 November 1856. On 7 March 1857, he opened a school and home for deaf- mute girls, only surviving for fifteen years. He died on 3 April 1884 after a long illness.

St. Luigi Scrosoppi and the Sisters of Providence
St. Luigi Scrosoppi was born in Udine, Italy on 4th August 1804. He surrendered all his worldly possessions and pleasures and became a catholic priest to serve God and his fellow brethren. In 1837, he founded the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence. His primary concern was the Education of Children and Youth. St. Luigi loved children and always received them as gift of Providence. His unlimited trust in Divine Providence allowed him to move forward with courage and determination.

His testament, CHARITY, CHARITY, SAVE SOULS, SAVE THEM WITH CHARITY, has become a source of inspiration for thousands of people today. St. Luigi, after his race on Earth, left for his heavenly abode in 1884, but his selfless work did not die with him, it continues to flourish through the Sisters of Providence in different parts of the world. Today the Sisters continue to form the little minds by being mothers, teachers and shepherdess to the children while placing their unlimited trust in the Divine Providence.