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Address : New Coochbehar, Baishguri, Coochbehar, West Bengal Pin- 736179 / 736101
Contact : +91 8906516426
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School motto
Joyful Service

St Mary's High School, Coochbehar, was founded by the Congregation of the Handmaids of Mary (Sisters) in 1986. It is registered as the “Snehadeepti Educational Society of St Mary’s School”. St Mary’s at Dinhata and  Dalsingpara are part of the Snehadeepti Educational Society. We consider the formation of character the first essential of any sound educational system. Therefore great stress is laid on the inculcation of high ideals, moral rectitude and service to the community.

The Snehadeepti Educational Society of St Mary’s School, Coochbehar, reserves the right to close down or dispose of, in whole or in part, any of the institutions or activities whether educational or charitable as the governing body may deem fit.

Co-educational day school


Our Aim
The Snehadeepti Educational Society of St Mary’s School aims not only to form sound character and personality of the young students but also to train them to become dutiful and useful citizens of their motherland, India. The school forms the students to have piety, compassion, virtue and discipline.

This School takes pride in the holistic and innovative learning methods which have helped them raise the bar in the field of education. The centre follows a well-researched curriculum that is based on the playway method of learning. This school offers education for children in different age groups. There are a host of other supplementary activities that children can enroll in to enhance their skill set. Undoubtedly it is one of the best Schools in New Cooch Behar, Cooch Behar.

Infrastructure and other facilities available
St Mary's High School in New Cooch Behar has an environment which is not only child-friendly but engaging for children to learn and have fun at the same time. It has spacious classrooms that are well- appointed with various amenities and facilities. This centre employs caring and involved certified teachers that play an instrumental role in the learning and development of the children.

Co-curricular activities
Doctors’ Day
English recitation class 1,2
Hindi / Bengali recitation class 2
Inter house creative writing competition
Inter house poster making competition
International yoga day
World population day
