St. Maurice Primary School, Suruk, Kalimpong
Address : Suruk, PO Samthar via Kalimpong, Darjeeling
St Maurice Primary School was established in 1964 by the Sisters of St Joseph of Cluny after they established their Convent at Suruk in 1961.
After finishing Primary education the students were enrolled in St George’s School, Pedong.
Suruk is a remote area near Samthar in Kalimpong sub-division. Fr Benjamin Stolke, with his Lepcha Bible used to preach the gospel to the Lepchas there. Fr Rouiller celebrated the Mass in Latin in the courtyard of Kancha
Lepcha’s house. Kancha Lepcha was baptized on 07.06.1952 and became Paul Kancha Lepcha. Fr Rouiller was a good carpenter that helped to construct a wooden presbytery and a chapel.
Fr Victor Khawas and Fr Rouiller opened a Primary School in 1952. Besides the evangelical work, Fr Rouiller brought improvement in road transportation. He built a suspension bridge across Samthar and Relli rivers measuring 75 mtrs
long using iron cables, wood and bamboos. This was a great help for the villagers in those difficult days. He also taught scientific cultivation of crops and opened an animal husbandry. With the help of Swiss Government a ropeway was
built over Teesta River at 27th mile in September 1966. The Bengal Government was so happy with the works of the Fathers that Fr Rouiller and Fr Brahier were given Indian citizenship.