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Address : Rajibpur, Gangarampur, Dakshin Dinajpur, West Bengal PIN-733124
Phone :   7797209092
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The school emblem consists of sword, book, pen and feather with the school motto –“Excellence in Education with higher power”. The sword with a cross at the head symbolizes courage and St Paul’s martyrdom as he died for the values of Christ. The book indicates the Holy Bible which is the book of Truth, Justice and Wisdom. Every child who comes to this institution is reminded of these Biblical values. The Pen and the Feather symbolize ancient wisdom which is very important for holistic learning.

School Motto
Excellence in Education with Higher Power

St Paul’s School, Rajibpur was established in 2010 and was inaugurated by Rt Rev Alphonsus D’Souza sj, the Bishop of Raiganj on 04 April 2010.

The School is founded and run by the Diocese of Raiganj, a minority Christian religious trust having its headquarters at Raiganj, West Bengal.

• Run chiefly for the education of Christian children in Christian atmosphere
• To educate tribals and under privileged classes without neglecting any other section of society
• Impart education which is affirming, and helps in the integral development and total formation of the personality of the student and gives the student a progressive love for the country, its culture and heritage.
• To form citizens for the future who can think and act, beyond all caste and parochial boundaries and who are men and women imbued with a sense of justice and love for under privileged

Co-curricular activities
• Art
• Club Science
• Dance
• Debate
• Drama
• Music
• Public Speaking
• Recitation

Some rules
• Because of high standard of English required for the Indian School Certificate Examination, English is spoken at all time on the school grounds as further opportunity for practice. Students consistently breaking this rule are liable to be dismissed.
• Thursday school remains closed.
• If a national holiday falls on any weekday there will be class on Thursday of that particular week.
• Scratching or breaking desks, writing with chalk or pencil on the walls, or any way damaging what belongs to others, is considered as highly reprehensible behaviour.
• Comics, magazines and newspapers are not allowed in the school.
• Use of cell phones, gadgets and radio within the premises is strictly prohibited.
• Pupils whose conduct is injurious to the moral tone of school or incompatible with strict discipline are liable to be dismissed. In particular, stealing and cheating will be dealt with sternly. Students whose presence in the opinion of the Principal is not beneficial or not compatible with strict discipline are liable to be dismissed.
• Application for transfer certificates should be given in writing. It will be issued only after the fees and other dues to the school are paid. Three days prior notice is needed for the issue of a transfer certificate

Facilities available
• Audio visual learning
• Auditorium
• Bio-metric attendance with SMS alert
• CCTV camera
• Children Park
• Class Monitoring System controlled by Principal’s office
• Computer lab
• Fire Safety Equipment
• Garden
• Library room
• Playground
• Another block of the school building is under construction

• St Paul’s School Rajibpur is made of two storey building
• It has plenty of land for future expansion of the school building
• In the ground floor of the building there are the Nursery and KG classes and Principal’s
office, Vice Principal’s office, Staff rooms, Stationery and boys, girls and staff toilets
• In the first floor there are classes 1 to 7 classrooms and Computer lab
• In the second floor there is a large and beautiful auditorium and the Library
• There are extra classrooms to be used as and when the school will be upgraded
• Fire extinguisher equipments are installed in the ground, first and the second floor
• The school is totally under the surveillance of CCTV camera
• There is a beautiful children park and flower garden in the school campus
• There is a large playground for the children to play and run around

Key Features
• Qualified, Experienced and Trained Teachers
• Modern School Building with ideal size classrooms
• Transport facilities from almost all areas
• Focus on all round development of the children
• Emphasis on value based Education ie Moral Education
• Dance Class: Modern and Classical

• The Principal is wholly responsible for admission. He is the final authority to admit children in the school keeping in mind the availability of seats
• Nobody has any claim for admission and the Principal’s decision which is final cannot be disputed nor can it be taken to any law courts.
• Applications of Christians and tribals will be given preference provided they can pay the fees and are capable of achieving the standard set by the school.
• Admission to Nursery & KG I > take place every year and Principal admits the students in the best way he thinks fit according to his discretion.
• Immediate neighbours and local children may be given some consideration for admission.

A short history of St Paul’s School
St Paul’s School Rajibpur came into existence on 04 April 2010 in answer to the need felt of having an English medium school in Gangarampur town. The school had a modest beginning with classes KGI, KGII and class 1 with 114 students. The year 2010 being the year of St Paul, the priest curia of the Diocese of Raiganj proposed the present name of the school which was approved by the founder body president, His Lordship Rt Rev Alphonsus D’Souza sj, the consulters and the Diocesan secretary and treasurer.

Saul of Tarsus, known to Christians as St Paul, grows up in a strict and well-to-do Jewish family in the port of Tarsus, what is now southern Turkey. As part of Asia Minor, this is a Greek speaking town.

A Greek-speaking Jewish Roman Citizen is well equipped to have influence in the wide and stable Mediterranean world of this period. His father sends him to Jerusalem for higher studies to be trained in the famous rabbinical school headed by Gamaliel and became closely linked with religious authorities in the city and zealously helped to suppress the Jewish heresy which was being spread by the followers of the crucified Jesus. In the year 35 Paul appears as a self-righteous young Pharisee, almost fanatically anti-Christian. He watched with full approval the stoning of Stephen, a leading Christian, and then he sets off to the Syrian city of Damascus to seek out and arrest any Christians in the city. Paul’s entire life can be explained in terms of one experience ie his meeting with Jesus on the road to Damascus. In an instant, he saw that all the zeal of his dynamic personality was being wasted like the strength of a boxer swinging wildly. Perhaps he had never seen Jesus. But he had acquired a zealot’s hatred of all that Jesus stood for, as he began to harass the Church: “…. entering house after house and dragging out men and women, he handed them over for imprisonment.”

On the road to Damascus he sees a blinding light and hears a voice saying, ‘Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?’ The voice goes on to add: ‘I am Jesus.’

It was a turning point in Paul’s life and he was fully reconciled with Christ and instead of persecuting Christians of Damascus, he was baptized by the disciple Ananias and stayed with him and others for nearly three years and later on he returned to his home town in southern Turkey, preaching the Christian faith. Then onwards his only work was to present everyone perfect in Christ. For this I labour and Struggle, in accordance with the exercise of his power working within me (Col.2: 28b-29). ‘I no longer live but Christ Lives in me’ (Gal. 2: 20).

School Anthem
Chorus: O St Paul, teacher of nation
Look down with smile and love upon your children

Your heart was large enough for Christ
To welcome and embrace all nations
You are the model for us children
Pray for us today.

You are the messenger of peace and love
You lit the light of gospel truth
You are the shining star for Paulines
Pray for us today.

May your light shine over the world
Holy Apostle enlighten our school
Show us the way of truth and justice
Pray for us today.