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Address : Primary Nursery to class 5 - Wesley Church campus, 20 U K Dutta Road, Dum Dum Cantt
Address : Main school - 11 R B C Road, Dum Dum, Kolkata 700028
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Nursery to Class 12


Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi
ICSE (class 10) and ISC (class11-12)

Academic session
April to March

The legacy of St Stephen’s School started in the year 1971 under the aegis of the Diocese of Barrackpore, Church of North India recognizing the Church’s mission of imparting quality education at an affordable cost to the common masses. The premises of  St Stephen’s Church, Dum Dum was chosen by the Diocese to set up the school which, back then, only had a few students and a handful of teachers who dedicated themselves to the cause of the Diocese. Since then the school has never looked back and has proven itself time and again to be the largest and the best known school in the suburb of North Kolkata.

In 1971 there was St Stephen’s School, Dum Dum and today in 2012  St Stephen’s School, Dum Dum stands tall along with 18 of her branches spread across South Bengal, Chhattisgarh and Odisha with many more to come in the near future. This co- education English Medium School is unquestionably a notch above the rest when it comes to imparting quality education right from Nursery to Standard 12 and it strives to follow and make the students aware of the latest syllabus prescribed by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi.

St Stephen’s School, having a Christian Foundation, is a Religious Minority educational Institution within the meaning of Article 30 of the Constitution of India.

Aims and Objectives
• To develop an aesthetic sense among our students
• To provide guidance that nurtures leadership qualities
• To facilitate ample exposure in various fields of knowledge
• To ensure sharing experience
• To provide scope to get oneself organized
• To promote brotherhood
• To provide the scope to enhance knowledge, skill and wisdom
• To inculcate in children tolerance, sense of value, the importance of peace and the beauty of love
• To promote national integration
• To help develop a sense of self respect and responsibility
• To help develop a good personality by providing scope for all round development
• To identity latent talents and provide scope for the development of the same
• To enhance moral and spiritual values

Identifying a student’s need is not the “end all and be all” of the responsibility of an educational institution. It is for this reason that the institution often conducts remedial subject oriented classes for students and counseling sessions for students as well as guardians besides other career and educational guidance programs.

• To identify the needs of our teachers and students and organize specific service oriented programs for them
• To develop a modern curriculum enriched with materials to enhance the teaching-learning process
• To develop effective teaching aids and acquaint teachers with the latest pedagogical skills
• To encourage and coordinate innovative practices, actions, research, experimentation, survey etc. directed towards modern global educational system

To make an effort towards initiating creativity in teaching in order to enhance the learning process by:

• Developing curiosity and wide interest in intellectual matter at an early age
• Including a variety of learning tasks in day to day activities as some children prefer to learn by discovering rather than by imitation
• Infusing more stimuli into the learning experience
• Asking questions that encourage unique or original responses
• Accepting and valuing unique responses given by children
• Developing progressive path for creative activities
• Avoiding giving examples when seeking creative efforts
• Moving on from traditional to untraditional mode of communication with a view to provoking new ideas
• Providing scope for imaginative ideas
• Providing and scope to slow learner

CURRICULUM St Stephen’s School is the only plus (two modern English learning co-ed Institution in the locality which is running Multipurpose stream Science, Commerce and Humanities with well equipped qualified trained teachers, labs library and computer labs. Computer literacy programme is compulsory upto class 7. Teachers/ students are well in action throughout the whole academic session with academic curriculum as well as all-round self development programme. Apart from sports and games activities pupils are enjoying through Art Club, Science Club, Library Club, Book Club, Quiz Club and such other creative activities.

For Plus Two level
Science with Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Computer Science
Commerce with Accounts Economics. Business Studies
Humanities with History, Geography, Pol. Science, Economics Mathematics, Psychology and Physical Education

One of The aims of the school is to provide to every learner such opportunities as shall be conducive to his/her physical, mental and moral development. The House system has been introduced for the fructification of this aim. House wise co-curricular activities and sports activities are organized under the guidance of the experienced Teachers Even untiring efforts are made to the intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual and aesthetic development of every student by means of many programmes for the whole year.

School Rules
The School term runs from April to March. The Final examination is held towards the end of the academic year. There are terminal examinations and unit test prior to the final examination. There are normally three vacations, namely a Summer Vacation in May-June, a Puja Vacation in September- October and a Christmas Vacation in December-January. Saturdays and Sundays are normally holidays for students. A brief Easter Vacation is also given in accordance with the Christian religious calendar.

Some of the major School Rules are as follows:

• Students must be punctual and be present on time at all places where they are supposed to be – assembly, regular classes, P.T., Library, functions, etc.

• Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, regular lack of application of School rules, neglect of home work, disobedience and disrespect towards members of the Staff, any kind of unfair practice either within or beyond this school’s premises will be sufficient reason, after consulting with other. Staff forgiving a forced Transfer Certificate with other staff for giving a forced Transfer Certificate to the student. Pupils are responsible to the Principal / Vice – Principal / Department Head / In charge for their conduct both in and outside the School.

• Any damage done to School property must be made good by the student responsible or by the class as a whole as will be decided by the authorities. Individual or collective fines can be imposed by the School authorities.

• Parents are expected to co-operate in the working of the School by enforcing regularity and discipline, and by taking an interest in their children’s progress. Parents should check the School Calendar regularly and note the teacher’s remarks, put their initials and sign the Prep. Book regularly.

• Parents are requested to communicate with the Principal / Vice -Principal by letter or to meet personally by taking prior appointment, regarding the progress and welfare of their wards. The Principal / Vice – Principal / Department Head / In charge may also require any parent to meet personally in the matter of progress of the pupils.

• Parents are not allowed to meet their wards during School hours without permission from the Principal / Vice – Principal. Entry into the School Office and the Staff-rooms is also prohibited unless permission from the Head has been obtained.

• This being an English-medium School, the students are to be encouraged to speak in English at all times during School hours, except when attending the vernacular classes. (Failure to do so may entail imposition of a fine.)

• Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and personal belongings at school. Anything lost will not be compensated by the School Authorities. The parents are requested not to allow cash or costly articles to be brought to School by their wards. Watches (for pupils below class 9) and gold ornaments are forbidden. All matter of objectionable nature is prohibited. Unauthorized cash and / or articles found on a student will be confiscated.

• An Identity Card is issued to every student. Students must have updated Identity Cards every year. Parents must bring the Identity Cards of their wards at the time of taking them home from Nursery to Class 2, Class 3 to 12 students must carry the Identity Card with them.

• Students must pay the Annual (Session) Charge and other dues before the commencement of the new academic session within the stipulated date to be notified at the end of the Final Examination, failing which their names may be removed from the School Register and they have to seek readmission.

• Provision is made for Sports and Athletics. Pupils should participate in game when required to do so. They must apply themselves whole-heartedly to all co-curricular activities.

• Pupils may be required to take part in extra – curricular activities such as Scouts, Guides, Debate, Drama, Quiz, Games, Art, Music and Singing. Participation in such activities and practice after the School hours / Saturday / Sunday may be deemed compulsory. Absence on grounds of attending coaching classes / private tuitions will not be tolerated.

• School Badge, Tie, Belt, Text Books, Exercise Books, Identity Card, School Diary, School Uniform etc. are to be purchased from the School or through School-approved organizations.

• Parents / Guardians / Visitors are requested to correspond, if necessary, through letters which are to be dropped in the School Letter Box.
