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Address : 183, Jessore Road, PO Habra, North 24 Parganas, Pin: 743263
Contact : +91 (3216) 238 218 /+91 9836175320
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St Stephen’s School, Habra, belongs to the category of Christian Minority Institutions, covered under article 30 of the Constitution of India. It is managed by the Barrackpore Diocesan Educational Society and governed by the Diocese of Barrackpore, Church of North India. It is recognized by the School Education Department, Government of West Bengal and is affiliated to the Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi.



Closed on
Saturdays and Sundays for Students

Vision and Mission
Christian missionaries without a doubt are the pioneers of modern education in India. Their single minded mission of education and enlightenment for the masses has been maintained by the Church till the present day. It was with this purpose in mind that Rt Rev B Malakar, the most revered Bishop of the Diocese of Barrackpore, Church of North India, embarked upon an ambitious project of establishing an English Medium co-educational institution at Habra.

The aim of the school is to give to its students a complete quality education of body, mind and spirit through academic instruction and an education of creation in which students are encouraged to learn for themselves by thinking of suitable solutions to the everyday problems they face.

• To identify the needs of our teachers and students and organize specific service oriented programs for them
• To develop a modern curriculum, enriched with material, so as to enhance the teaching and learning process
• To develop effective teachings aids and acquaint teachers with the latest pedagogical skills
• To encourage and co-ordinate innovative practices, actions, research, experimentation, survey, etc directed towards modern global educational system
• Developing curiosity and wide interest in intellectual matter at an early age
• Including a variety of learning tasks in the curriculum as some children prefer learning by discovery rather than by imitation
• Infusing more stimuli into the learning experience
• Asking questions that encourage original responses
• Accepting and valuing unique responses when initiated by the children
• Developing progressive and creative activities from simple to complex
• Avoiding giving examples when seeking creative efforts
• Moving on from traditional to untraditional mode of communication with a view to provoking new ideas
• Providing scope for imaginative activities
• Providing time and scope for slow learners

• Large airy classrooms
• Computer laboratories
• A compact library that has three wells
• Science laboratories

Admission Procedure
Nursery class 4+ years as on 1 st  March of the academic session for which the admission is sought;  Admission on the basis of an interview of short-listed candidates, from among those who have submitted the Application Form

Pre-Nursery the eligible age of a child is 3+ years as on 1 st  March

The School will also not be responsible for misinformation or misinterpretation due to verbal queries answered by any School personnel or any other persons claiming to represent the school authorities.

The following documents are required to be submitted with the Admission/Registration Form
• Duly attested photocopy of Panchayat/ Municipal Corporation or Hospital/ Nursing Home Birth Certificate, and/or affidavit provided that the registration has been done within a year of the child’s birth for admission to Classes Nursery to I. Christian candidates must submit a copy of the Baptism Certificate, duly attested by the Parish Priest / Presbyter-in-Charge for all classes.
• One recent passport size colour photograph each of the candidate and his/her parents/legal guardians.
• For legal guardians, relevant attested proof.
• Transfer Certificate for admission into Classes I to VIII, issued from a School (recognized by the Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal) in which the candidate last studied.
• For all inter-state transfer cases, the Transfer Certificate MUST be countersigned by the appropriate Education Officer of the State concerned.

One of the aims of the school is to provide to every learner such opportunities as shall be conducive to his/her physical, mental and moral development.  The House system has been introduced for the fructification of this aim.  House wise co-curricular activities and sports activities are organized under the guidance of experienced Teachers.  Even untiring efforts are made for the intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual and aesthetic development of every student by conducting a good number of programmes throughout the year.

Attendance for students on all working days is mandatory.  A minimum of 75% attendance, over the year is eligible for promotion.

General Information
• No fancy hairstyles will be allowed either for the boys or the girls. All boys must have their hair trimmed above their collars. Girls must have short hair or plaits tied with white ribbons.
• Hair-bands are not permitted. Use of mehendi in any form is not allowed.
• Use of nail polish and keeping of long nails is not permitted.
• No valuables may be worn or brought to School.

The School fees cover twelve calendar months and may be paid monthly or in advance. No reduction in the School Fees will be made for Vacations/Holidays/Non-Instructional days declared by the School authorities or for broken periods due to non-attendance of a student. Students are liable to be charged school fees as long as their names are officially on the School Rolls. Fees once paid will not be refunded.

For Budding, Sub-Junior, Junior, Pre-Senior, Senior
1. Aravalli
2. Nilgiri
3. Siwalik
4. Udayagiri

The school derives its name from St Stephen, the first Christian Martyr, who is regarded as the Patron Saint of the institution and 15th of February is celebrated as St Stephen’s or The Founder’s Day. St Stephen is portrayed in glowing terms in the Books of Acts, Chapters 6 and 7 of the Holy Bible.

Stephen was a man of God. He was not only wise but also a person of profound faith. God blessed him richly and he was filled with the Holy Spirit. He performed many miracles and went about spreading the message of God. However, there were some men from Cyrene and Alexandria who were members of a group called “Free Men”. They began to argue with Stephen and were joined in by others from Cilicia and Asia. They were no match with Stephen who spoke with wisdom that the Holy Spirit had bestowed upon him. They influenced the teachers of the Laws of Moses, had Stephen arrested and brought before the Sanhedrin.

There were false allegations made against him that he was talking against the Laws of Moses and saying that Jesus of Nazareth would destroy everything and change the customs that Moses had given. When asked if the allegations were true he spoke badly against evil practices of the Jewish Council who became furious when he said that he could see Jesus standing in all his at the right hand of God. They yelled at the so called abomination, dragged him out of the city and stoned him to death. In the likeness of his master, he too, at the time of death cried out for forgiveness of all those who had tormented and killed him. St Stephen is a glowing example of spiritual leadership. Even at a very young age he had faith, wisdom, vision, courage, love, forgiveness, humility and above all, he had been inspired by the Holy Spirit. He stands as an outstanding witness of Christ and a radiant martyr for the cause of the Mission.

Let the exemplary life of St Stephen inspire and influence the pupils of this school in the formation of their character. They are called to face the challenges in their lives more courageously whatever be the price.

In 1995, St Paul’s School at 183, Jessore Road, 24 Parganas (N), Habra-743 263 opened its doors to young minds. In 2001 it was re-christened St Stephen’s School.

Let us remember that our pupils are “STEPHENITES”.

School Song

1. We are blessed here Saviour above,
St Stephen’s School does mould us with love.
We have come here to learn and to share,
Because we have the best teachers here.

Oh! Our dear school how much we adore,
Glorify you and love more and more.
2. We will be bold and fulfill our call,
Serve all the people and love one and all.
Bless Lord our staff who guide us with rule
For all your blessings we are thankful.